Five Historic things you never thought you needed to know. #7
Five Historic things you never thought you needed to know. #7 There have been seven HMS Sapphos. The first was an 18 gun Brig, launched in 1806. The last was a yacht which was on night patrol in Falmouth Bay when it probably hit a mine. It was lost on 29th September 1940. Lord George Bentinck was a man with a sense of timing. Second son of the Duke of Portland and a veteran of the Battle of Dettingen, he was Colonel of the 5th Foot Regiment and Aide de Camp to the King. If this was not enough he was MP for Grampound. Bentinick has been living with Mary Davies for several years when the Clandestine Marriages Act was passed, Given his family's disapproval of Mary, between its passing and its enforcement, Bentinick got married at Keith’s Chapel, Westminster. When Bentinick died, in in 1759, his widow, faced with the ire of the greater Portland clan, married Joseph Griffiths in short order....