Ten Historic things you never thought you needed to know. #1
The first in an occassional series of stuff I found out when looking for other things and have a pressing need to share.
Elizabeth Leybourne, wife of Thomas, 4th Baron Darce and, more secretly, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk was known as Bess of the Broad Apron because of the land she had inherited. She died in 1567. Aged 31, from complications resulting from childbirth. She was survived by five children. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Leyburne
In 1748 Sarah Piggan was sent to the Tothfield Bridewell for assaulting Mr Robert Bell. The assault consisted of biting his thumb.
Queen Anne had a First Lady of the Bed Chamber, called Flower Backhouse.
The first named trans person in English History was Eleanor Rykener. [1394]
Despite being the foundation of the Hawaiian Pizza, the pineapple was not introduced to that place till 1790
Henry VIII had three wives. The marriages with Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves were annulled, so never took place.
In the week of 19th July 1716 convulsions killed the highest number of people [97], followed by smallpox [48]. Two people died of worms, two of rickets and one of ;Purples.’
So I had to look up purples. According to mental floss it ‘Purples described purple blotches on the skin caused by broken blood vessels, indicative of an underlying illness, such as scurvy or a circulation disorder. It could also mean the most severe stage of smallpox.’
According to the Nottingham Evening News [17.7.1944] ‘Tons of lettuces are being turned back into the land as manure because growers at Cadishead Moss, Irlam, find market prices too low. ‘
In 1799 The Times carried an advert for Pine Apple Rum, selling at 14 shillings a gallon.
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